General blog posts
![[0x9] New DFIR-FI site](/images/blog/default_post.png)
[0x9] New DFIR-FI site
By whois
June 20, 2024 | One minute read
New year, new site
I have decided to merge my old sites and into one page. I will also be posting about the DFIR-FI community, news about my new training courses, maintaining my CV, and promoting my services on this site.
At the same time as I launch the new site, I will also offer others the opportunity to post information on the site, both through the promotion of their company’s DFIR services and trainings and through blog posts. I look forward to hearing from anyone who would like to write about their DFIR research, malware, training experiences or any training-related blog posts on this site.
![[0x7] Migration to Github](/images/blog/github.png)
[0x7] Migration to Github
By whois
September 23, 2021 | One minute read
I’ve decided to change my blog from self-hosted jekyll site to auto deployed Github hugo page.
Because of this, my blog’s RSS feed will also change. You can find the new RSS link from footer.
I will likely release more but less structured content on this blog in the future. CNAME will soon point to
![[0x3] Disobey 2020 puzzle writeup](/images/blog/default_post.png)
[0x3] Disobey 2020 puzzle writeup
By whois
December 23, 2019 | 20 min read
Disobey is a Finnish hacker/cyber security conference. They release every year a hacker challenge and 50 first who solve it, get to buy the special “hacker ticket” with a cheaper price than a regular ticket. The badge that comes with the ticket is also visually different looking than a normal ticket. At the first I have to admit, this year the challenge was harder than in previous years. This was my third time I tried to do the challenge and the third time I managed to solve it. As the challenge started at the same weekend as Assembly LAN party was held, we decided to give it a try together with Dist and Jaroneko as a team. There’s probably multiple different ways to solve it but here’s my take with some arguments why I did what I did. Hope you enjoy the read and even learn something from it!
![[0x1] SANS 2019 & BSides Orlando](/images/blog/bsides_orlando.jpeg)
[0x1] SANS 2019 & BSides Orlando
By whois
April 18, 2019 | 6 min read
Few weeks ago I left cold Finland and headed to Orlando to attend SANS FOR610 (Reverse-Engineering Malware). After signing up and buying flight tickets, I noticed that BSides Orlando was held just few days before the course started. I though “What the hell” and bought a ticket to that event as well. BSides is Disobey (Finnish hacking/cyber security event) like event and has talks, workshops, CTF, soldering station etc…
![[0x0] Hello World!](/images/blog/default_post.png)
[0x0] Hello World!
By whois
April 14, 2019 | One minute read
I decided to start blogging because
- I suck at remembering stuff -> If I write it publicly down, I will most likely remember it
- There’s no DFIR blogs in Finland (at least I don’t know of them)
- There’s never too many projects, right?
My bio can be found on about-page