Training blog posts

[0x6] Cyber Security Essentials CTF
[0x6] Cyber Security Essentials CTF
By whois

July 23, 2020 | 25 min read

Cyber Security Essentials is a course series I was organizing in HelSec with Future Female. CSE had 6 lectures and the CTF was organized at the end of the course. The course was aimed for female who are interested working in technical side of the Cyber Security OR just started in the field. This CTF was made 99% by me alone and was purposed to be entry level. More information about the course series can be found from here.

[0x5] Phishing MFA accounts
[0x5] Phishing MFA accounts
By whois

July 22, 2020 | 3 min read

MFA is usually considered secure. It however can be bypassed by phishing. I made this phishing demo using drk1wi’s tool Modlishka. The tool default templates are little bit outdated so here’s also instructions how to make it work against G-Suite accounts. This is not a new thing, I just wanted to check if it still works. =)


The full configuration is on Github.


Put it to the container

I decided to do quick and dirty dockerization for the tool:

[0x1] SANS 2019 & BSides Orlando
[0x1] SANS 2019 & BSides Orlando
By whois

April 18, 2019 | 6 min read

Bsides Orlando

Few weeks ago I left cold Finland and headed to Orlando to attend SANS FOR610 (Reverse-Engineering Malware). After signing up and buying flight tickets, I noticed that BSides Orlando was held just few days before the course started. I though “What the hell” and bought a ticket to that event as well. BSides is Disobey (Finnish hacking/cyber security event) like event and has talks, workshops, CTF, soldering station etc…